We are delighted to announce our new website – with a modern, functional, and playful design that reflects our core values and our connection to nature. Our new website was a realized with the creative minds at Creativum, led by the creative director Sven Werner.
According to Sven, “The challenge was to create a site for a company that has customers in the corporate world, but still wants to stand out with a fresh look”. The header wording was also chosen to be appropriately “ambiguous” to bring the visitor closer to us, bridging business and passion. “Visuality and imagery were particularly relevant. We found that the people at Flumerics, like to be outdoors in their free time, and have a connection to nature.”, Sven says and explains further that the design features a “Dark Mode”, with unconventional visuals that stand out from the competition, as well as full screen focused content, easy-to-understand icon-language and a visual guideline which portions content in easily consumable bite size pieces.
This first release of our website is just the beginning of an exciting journey ahead, reflecting our agile values, we started out simply, and will continue to grow and improve iteratively. Our next steps include adding more business areas like Healthcare, Sales, Project Management, and further services such as Software Engineering, Business Intelligence, DevOps, and ChatBots/ChatGPT Integration and many more. We’ll also add regular news to keep you updated on the various exciting topics we are working on; this includes making it easier for visitors to find information and facts from Flumerics experts, as well as providing creative food-for-thought for process improvement and innovation.
Along the way, we learned about a few exciting new tools such as Markup.io and Jam, wonderful addon’s for capturing and “keep track of feedback” on websites with a few clicks.
Some screens from the “website workbench”:

We are confident that this new website reflects our company’s identity and provides a great user experience. We believe that you will enjoy it as much as we do!
So, feel free to explore our website now, and we welcome your feedback!